четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

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Hereapos;s whatapos;s confusing me. And I know itapos;ll be ignored/dismissed by his supporters. Thatapos;s cool. Itapos;s just a personal confusion.

Tax -cuts- for 95 of Americans. Okay. "Not a dime" of tax INCREASE for anyone making less than $250,000. Okay. Close to 800 billion dollars in fresh national programs. Okay. Government-run healthcare, which cost the UK more in one year than the US spent on all four of its armed forces branches COMBINED. (Have both a non-biased website of financial statistics and a resident to back this up, if anyone doesnapos;t believe me).

Hereapos;s the confusion - if you look at these numbers and are able to actually believe that your taxes wonapos;t be raised under Obamaapos;s presidency, youapos;re out of your FUCKING mind. If you look at these numbers and think, "Oh, well, those evil, over-privileged 5-of-the-country RICH people will be the ones paying for all that," and are actually okay with this large of a burden falling on them just because they got lucky in life and you didnapos;t. . . Well, youapos;re kinda sick.

Now, heapos;s mentioned one or two ways of getting this money, like cutting military spending and tax breaks for oil companies. Cause, you know. No politician has EVER claimed to want to take on big oil before. Never. Nope. No way, no how. Yet when Obama says it, everyone buys it. Flabbergast.

I appropriately made the US Senate Bean Soup tonight. The first sip was rancid, which I suspect was because I had just eaten a red hot. Iapos;m now going back down for cup to. It is TASTY.
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