четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

accessory component conveyor

A while ago i saw a survey on someoneapos;s journal where they claimed reagan was the worst president ever. Not sure why they said that, other than the gravity of this personapos;s lack of original thought is so great that it sucks all other opinions and taste into it. I mean, come on, reagan? if youapos;re going to knee-jerkingly ate on a republican you might as well just hate on bush, or hereapos;s an idea, fucking RICHARD M NIXON.

I was thinking about this because the election is almost here and weapos;re sure to hear plenty about how bush was the worst EVAR because people have no sense of history. Here is a sampling of some incredibly douchey things that other, some allegedly well loved, presidents have done:

1. Woodrow wilson claimed neutrality at the onset of the great war, but actually backed the british blockade that starved germans and provoked them into torpedoing any non german ship they saw. Once the US was at war, he made it illegal to speak negatively against the government or the war. He also said "No doubt a lot of nonsense has been talked about the inalienable rights of the individual, and a great deal that was mere sentiment and pleasing speculation has been put forward as fundamental principle" which is too gay to fathom. He also believed in eugenics and didnapos;t like immigrants and black people.

2. FDR authorized executive order 9066 which allowed the internment of 110,000 japanese, some AMERICAN CITIZENS. You know about this, it was totally awesome. Germans and italians, some american citizens as well, were interned in lesser numbers. I didnapos;t know about that part, FDR WAS THE BEST at least he didnapos;t gas them, right? some folks hate on him for expanding the government, but as a fan of keynes, I think that probably seemed like a good idea at the time. Goverment spending did end the depression, though it was more the spending on war toys that did the trick than the wpa. Apparently he did some bullshit during the war, like claiming he had some nazi plans to turn latin america into a nazi state and how after the nazis conquered the us they would abolish christianity. The nazis were pretty shitty without making shit up, wtf, fdr?

3. My hometown hero, harry truman, dropped some nukes on some japs. Also went to war with korea, setting that unconstitutional war without declaration precedent that subsequent prezzies have enjoyed so much. Growing up where I did, I saw much truman love so it bewilders me to see so many hits come up for "truman worst president" with articles about how bush has replaced him as the most reviled, I mean seriously WHAT ABOUT NIXON, PEOPLE.

4. Jfk got THIS CLOSE to ending the entire world with a nuclear war. I was reading about the cuban missle crisis recently and got so freaked out about it I had to go play video games for a while to calm down. Apparently he didnapos;t know that the russians had installed some short range missiles out of fear of invasion since he was talking such shit about going in there to take out the LONG range ones. If they had went in, the russians would have used the short rangers, then we would have had to shoot back, blah blah blah THE DAY AFTER IS NOW A REALITY.

5. Lyndon johnson apparently decided to send american combat troops to the vietnam war so as not to appear soft on communism. Thatapos;s cool, my dadapos;s best friend stepped on one of our landmines and died at age 19 so johnson could continue to appear as a rockin cowboy that picked his dog up by the ears.

6. Hoover just got into office when the stock market crashed. Lots of people blamed him for the depression. If it was his fault, the guy was a total asshole.

7. A president who did nothing and ended up fucking shit up real good: buchanan. Didnapos;t bother to step in when the south was bitching about not having enough grits or whatever that shit was, hello civil war.

8. Nixon

MY POINT IS: I am of the opinion that other than george washington (six foot eight fucking killing for fun, and yeah he was an asshole too but heapos;s the first and therefore COOL), john quincy adams (I donapos;t know why, maybe because of AMISTAD, but I fucking love me some jqa) and some of the few harmless forgettable dudes like millard filmore, ALL AMERICAN PRESIDENTS have been major assraping douchebags. You pretty much have to be to run for office and win, and I donapos;t see it getting better in the future. If it does get better, I think that is when you should really freak the fuck out. Remember, the antichrist is supposed to be beloved (NATHAN PETRELLI) before he starts bringing about the apocalypse.
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