суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

broadcasting training program

Dear you,

You want to know what I�think, bitch?
Nobody died and made you boss, even if you are the director of our class play.
Me and C were supposed to be the protagonists, and the teacher said having one is enough. Fine. So one of us have to give up our roles now, and to switch to a less minor role is not very nice is it? Just imagine man, it really sucks, but sadly you canapos;t even be bothered to get up from your stupid ass and walk a mile in my shoes.
Just so you know, me and C bought the costumes for our characters already, having to switch means itapos;s a fucking waste of money So okay, I�offered to be your robber partner, along with you. So now C has to take over my role, and learn all my lines. Thatapos;s a lot of scenes to memorize do you fucking know? And all the movements and transition of scenes, she has to learn now. I�offered to do both roles, to play the robber and the protagonist, but for the rewinding scenes only, and now you donapos;t even want to fucking agree. Bitch.
If I came in for the transition scenes, C only has to exit backstage and come out again when itapos;s her time to speak. Itapos;s less work for her And I would at least get to wear my costume so itapos;s not a waste. But you refuse to agree to it, saying itapos;s "weird" and whatever shit about "having only one protagonist is more effective". Bitch, it doesnapos;t really make a difference in the EFFECTIVENESS�if someone else did the rewinding scenes right? It wouldnapos;t even affect C because itapos;s supposed to be only a scene of movements, depicting how present goes back to the past, having another person to play it and cut her extra work is fine too.�But you just canapos;t see my point. And youapos;re giving me the whole "effective" shit now? The whole class agreed to let us both play because we could pull off looking alike, so it means we were effective in playing one protagonist as two people. So donapos;t tell me about effectiveness now, even if our acting isnapos;t the same; Iapos;m not even coming out to act, in the sense have a speaking role because rewinding scene only consist of movements.
I�really hate you now. Whatapos;s with your bossy attitude. And I clicked "Reply" to your email instead of "Reply all" yesterday was because I�only wanted you to read what I�had to say. Itapos;s pretty obvious that I�didnapos;t want the rest to see it right?�But you had to be like the most dumbass person Iapos;ve ever met by saying you wanted to send it out to EVERYONE so as to let them know how I�feel. Like what the fuck do you even know what the hell PRIVACY�means. I would have kicked you off your director ass like right now if not for the fact you arenapos;t right in front of me.

You just wonapos;t understand how I�feel.

No love,

blissmagazine.com, broadcasting training program, broadcasting training network, broadcasting training, broadcasting towers.

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