суббота, 18 октября 2008 г.

adalah financial leverage

It is highly unlikely that anyone will meet the criteria for posting a fic to this comm and that prospect doesnapos;t bother me in the slightest because

Itapos;s all a joke.

As the mod, only I determine if a post has met the criteria for posting. Feel free to join and submit what you believe to be crackfic that meet the rules. We shall see

Fans of Yoko Ono, Brian Epstein and the Maharishi are not welcome to whine or complain about their identification as mirthful figures for Beatle pairings. I know no one will bother to complain on Peter Brownapos;s behalf.

Likewise, if you love Paulieapos;s Prick, get a life ... But donapos;t jabber about our less than respectful treatment of his Beatley appendage.

That is all

earring hoop large silver sterling, adalah financial leverage, adalah ekonomi, adalah card member, adalah bakteri isolasi.

comcast eugene

I had a really big adventure yesterday.� I went out to lunch.� Can't say I'm fond of Mexican though since I didn't get anything to eat.� Aunt Jean Ann took me to Amigos and we met mom and Aunt Angela there.� Then a whole bunch of people came.� I heard mom say they were from the courthouse, whatever that is.� I met Aunt Martha, Aunt Sheila, Aunt Kathy, Aunt Krista, Uncle Race, Uncle Mark, Uncle Russell (I chewed his shoes), Aunt Stephanie and even more people� Thanks for holding the door, Uncle Race.� A lot of people petted me which was pretty cool.� And I found out that under a table is a good place for nap.

Today, I went to the dump.� I know what a dump is and I don't think this was it.� It was this big place with all kinds of big containers.� Mom took some recyclables.� Looked like cardboard and magazines to me.� I wanted to get out of the truck but noooooo.� And I didn't see anything that looked like a dump, though something somewhere smelled like one.

Anyway, I have to get ready.� Uncle Lance and Aunt Nikki are coming over tonight and we're going to watch ultimate fighting� I LOVE ultimate figthing.� I could be an ultimate fighter if they would only let me bite.� Man, could I tear 'em up with teeth.� I only have a short time for a career though because mom says I'll be losing my teeth soon.� I'm a little concerned over that.� I hope she starts giving me soft food when that happens.

Talk to you soon

earring holder mesh, comcast eugene, comcast ethernet, comcast et, comcast espnu.

broadcasting training program

Dear you,

You want to know what I�think, bitch?
Nobody died and made you boss, even if you are the director of our class play.
Me and C were supposed to be the protagonists, and the teacher said having one is enough. Fine. So one of us have to give up our roles now, and to switch to a less minor role is not very nice is it? Just imagine man, it really sucks, but sadly you canapos;t even be bothered to get up from your stupid ass and walk a mile in my shoes.
Just so you know, me and C bought the costumes for our characters already, having to switch means itapos;s a fucking waste of money So okay, I�offered to be your robber partner, along with you. So now C has to take over my role, and learn all my lines. Thatapos;s a lot of scenes to memorize do you fucking know? And all the movements and transition of scenes, she has to learn now. I�offered to do both roles, to play the robber and the protagonist, but for the rewinding scenes only, and now you donapos;t even want to fucking agree. Bitch.
If I came in for the transition scenes, C only has to exit backstage and come out again when itapos;s her time to speak. Itapos;s less work for her And I would at least get to wear my costume so itapos;s not a waste. But you refuse to agree to it, saying itapos;s "weird" and whatever shit about "having only one protagonist is more effective". Bitch, it doesnapos;t really make a difference in the EFFECTIVENESS�if someone else did the rewinding scenes right? It wouldnapos;t even affect C because itapos;s supposed to be only a scene of movements, depicting how present goes back to the past, having another person to play it and cut her extra work is fine too.�But you just canapos;t see my point. And youapos;re giving me the whole "effective" shit now? The whole class agreed to let us both play because we could pull off looking alike, so it means we were effective in playing one protagonist as two people. So donapos;t tell me about effectiveness now, even if our acting isnapos;t the same; Iapos;m not even coming out to act, in the sense have a speaking role because rewinding scene only consist of movements.
I�really hate you now. Whatapos;s with your bossy attitude. And I clicked "Reply" to your email instead of "Reply all" yesterday was because I�only wanted you to read what I�had to say. Itapos;s pretty obvious that I�didnapos;t want the rest to see it right?�But you had to be like the most dumbass person Iapos;ve ever met by saying you wanted to send it out to EVERYONE so as to let them know how I�feel. Like what the fuck do you even know what the hell PRIVACY�means. I would have kicked you off your director ass like right now if not for the fact you arenapos;t right in front of me.

You just wonapos;t understand how I�feel.

No love,

blissmagazine.com, broadcasting training program, broadcasting training network, broadcasting training, broadcasting towers.

пятница, 17 октября 2008 г.

eight rinks

I dunno why iapos;ve been updating so much. I dont particularly have much to say at all. I took tyson to the vet early in the morning, it was a rough day for him :( I love that little shithead so much. Heapos;s sleeping right by my feet right now actually, and keeps crying for a treat from time to time. All the old ladies thougth he was especially handsome at the vet this morning too, oh heapos;s such a little charmer, ha.

right now i canapos;t sleep so i decided to do some massive cleaning and rid myself of some stress. I also have the worldapos;s biggest "to do" list written on teh mirror in my bathroom, the whole mirrors is almost consuemd by it. I always liked doing that the best, just taking a dry erase marker and writing on my mirror. That way i see it everyday, ha. As if it makes a difference.

tomorrow i have a midterm, which i should proablaby try to prepare for but iapos;m not too concerned about and then i have speech class. After that itapos;s the weekend. Iapos;m not TOO hyped but iapos;m not ready to spend another weekend in by myself again.

Iapos;m extremely stressed out these days, I feel so behind and so out of control with alot of elements in my life. I have alot of money concerns and stresses. And iapos;ve really got this huge to do list i need to work off, plus just other things too like not having a clean room for a long time now adds to the pressure i feel.

iapos;m still trying to cut out the bullshit in my life right now and figure out whatapos;s legit and whatapos;s not. Whatapos;s worth my time, whatapos;s a real goal and whatapos;s just a pipe dream that i need to move on from, and so on and so forth.

I just hate these days when i realize how "young" i still am and how unprepared and how much growing up and maturing i have to do, while still maintaing a good balance that prevents me from becoming too uptight, too pretentious, confidant and etc...because even though in my mind i can perceive all teh more responsible choices, it doesnapos;t necesarily mean iapos;ll be able to commit to them or live them because i am still young. And itapos;s just a matter of udnerstanding that young doesnapos; tmean wreckless but that i stil need to be young for right now, because iapos;ll never get to be it again. An blah blah blah. I mostly talkt o james about this stuff.

I havenapos;t really talked to beverly in a while and i do miss her. I was talking to dalia alot for a while there, we kinda havenapos;t talked in some time but iapos;ll try and call her soon. I"ll add them both to my to do list, ha. Man, writing this right now is actually making me very sleep and i think iapos;ll just switch over to goign to bed and waking up early now. Even though i never do wake up early, iapos;m on a mission to this time around.

Iapos;m still waiting for my two professors to give me back some feedback on the little beggining piece i have for my novel. Iapos;ve kinda lost some of my momentum in the last weeks but i know that as soon as i get their comments back iapos;ll be motivated to get right back into it. Iapos;m surprised with myself, honestly, and how much iapos;m working with atleast some level of organization/outlining. I really just want to get this one out there, for once. Although, i have all new ideas now about writing and being a "writer". I think iapos;m finally going to start sucking it up and embracing the title more and allow myself to feel and see myself as a writer, which is something iapos;ve never truly done.

ugh, note to self, another thing to add to the "to do" list, is back up my mac onto my harddrive via time machine. Ya know, i love alot of aspects of time machine minus the fact that really, all i needed was just a place to store my photos, music and writing. The rest i can live without, however teh convenience of time machien is still appealing. Oh well.

moving along...

I had a dream last night with scott in, second one in a row. He really pissed me off in the dream and i find it amusing now to think that when i woke up, I was so angry with him i had half a mind to call him up, call him an asshole, tell him to fuck off and hang up...with no explaination. Haha, oh the power of dreams ot sincerely influence your entire sense of emotion. Itapos;s hilarous.

Itapos;s not that i regert ever dating scott but just that right now, i wish i could atleast temporarily erase him from my life. Heapos;s so frustrating and he doesnapos;t bring me any good right now.

also, i think iapos;m gonna suck it up and submit this article i wrote on black exploitation and flavor of love for my profressional writing class to a few journals finally. I was supposed to have submitted it anyway originally for a grade. Iapos;ve gotten really reallly positive feedback on it and even though iapos;m sure the reason i never do anythign is that i probably have some internal fear of rejection iapos;m just gonna suck it up and do it. Might as well.

i few other really professional, well researched articles i might put out there too. Hmmmm.....

im so sleepy. I really need a shower too. Time for bed
eight rinks, eight rinks burnaby, eight rinks burnaby bc, eight rinks in burnaby.

четверг, 16 октября 2008 г.

and justice for all - metallica


reached home kinda late last night and was on the phone, so i didnt have the time [or pics] to blog about ytd.

soooooo. I was talking about korean food like on tues and thuzar they all were talking about going to DOWNTOWN EAST for it i was supposed to meet tkg at 4 at cityhall and had to go town to pass up my timesheet so i asked them to go ahead without me.

then they chose changi airport and decided to play on my easy-to-bully personality and started making me REAL GUILTY about pang seh-ing them. So we went to changi airport for brunch..and halfway, when i was yakking, thuzar pulled out this present in minitoons plastic bag and they say its an advanced celebration for my birthday.

and despite the topic of it being my birthday�5 days later [counted from ytd] on my mind most of the time,�I HAD NO INKLING MY BIRTHDAY WOULD BE CELEBRATED THEN cos i was the one who wanted to go out on wed for cardigan. [which i got it with chris at cotton on cos bugis street is FAR TOO complicated for lost sheeps and i want a cheapo one. XD]

ANW when i saw the minitoons bag, i thought, oh, it must be kuma. Everybody knows how crazy i am about my kuma at home. Mainly because sheapos;s huge and sheapos;s cute. Not�because she was being given by shawn. I have my reason for wearing his necklace now too. It was to remind myself to cherish my r/s and not give up and regret despite all obstacles. Ohk, i digress. Hahahaha.

then i realise, i have underestimated my friends. They got me a bra and panty set, that has a 2-in-1 function of being a bikini too. HAHAHAHA
and i realise, they have overestimated the size of my breasts.
and thats the understatement of the century i promise you.

it probably was in minitoons plastic bag cos the box was from minitoons. Anw, im stressing on minitoons bag�cos yusheng was waiting for me at my blk today to go school tgt, AND HE GAVE ME A PRESENT IN MINITOONS BAG. What coincidence AND ITS KUMA hahaha i KNEW someoneapos;s gna give me kuma. XD

friends who dont know how scary my sis is and that i have two huge soft toy in bed alr. So other soft toys would be thrown to the storeroom by sis/mum. Cos they say thereapos;s no space to sleep anymore [true]

then i met chris. Where she was later than me [as usual] and i was alr 20 mins late. So you could imagine her grr. And after getting my cardigan, [im going to be model of cotton on but i <3 their basics] we watched burn after reading WHICH WAS AWFUL. Dont believe what other people say cos the plot is stupid, the characters are irritatingly self-centred. Despite the good reviews people give outside, im not sorry to say that this is the WORST SHOW IVE EVER SEEN.

it might be�ABIT funny but the plotapos;s all weird, and when the cinema lights went on, i thought there was a fire or sth wrong with the cinema to realise the show has alr finished ITS A STUPID WASTE OF TIME AND MONEY AND NO. YOU CANT EVEN WATCH IT ONLINE COS YOUapos;D BE WASTING ONE HOUR PLUS OF YOUR LIFE.

and chris gave me this green bean cake from vietnam and i find that it taste like chocolate. And im the only one who think so. Anw, we talked about holding this halloween party and because�our�mutual friends consists of primary school friends who have not�contacted each other since we graduated, weapos;ll just invite ourselves. And that, is surely another san fen zhong re du thing cos whoapos;s gna trick or treat in singapore? humph. BORING.

anw, after movie and dinner [like a date] we left cos chris has to leave for tw next morning [which means today]
gab and her are going off to taiwan with their respective families TODAY. PANG SEH.

because me no have the pics, please go to surayah-fayah.blogspot.com for the pics of [mainly food] and my EXTENSIONS hahahhaa i can finally blog about it cos everybody whoapos;s supposed to be surprised are not surprised. Chris even thought my hair suddenly grew real long after not seeing me for two weeks. =.=

have been watching movies for three consecutive days hahaha. And ive been out of sorts recently. ): i left my wallet in the cinema on tues. Then hp at the restaurant ytd. Then hp at cinema ytd again. and left�skuma [cos sheapos;s holding a star so sheapos;s skuma] in my gems classroom just now. Huiling was saying, if you do it once a month, its okay. BUT YOU KEEP LOSING THINGS EVERYDAY. Yes. I know. ):

because i�had econs lecture on tues and,�yeejia�is his opportunity cost.


LONG POST yes? :D cos im in school early in the morning and i have like 4 hours free till the next class cos im a hardworking girl who goes for her gems lesson. (: so im blogging to while time away and the�rest are dont-know-what-they-are-doing-but-allegedly-doing-project in the project room. Byebye

and justice for all - metallica, and justice for all, and just when i thought, and just to lay you down.

cancer of the rib cage

I donapos;t even know what Iapos;m doing anymore. I donapos;t know who I am when I look at myself. I take so much shit from people. The other day I called a friend of mine a bitch and told her to lay off. She wasnapos;t angry, she was actually happy that I "stood up to her". I didnapos;t raise my voice at all or anything, but while I was saying it it felt so very not me.

Itapos;s not as if I take the crap people say to me to heart. I just let it roll off of me. Itapos;s not like me to snap back at someone. I donapos;t know.

Seeing PA the other night did strange things to me. Iapos;m not even sure what I mean by that. Sheapos;s still the wonderful person I remember, and seemed to like the person Iapos;m becoming. Thereapos;s no wall between us like there is with almost everyone else I know, things arenapos;t hidden with her. I miss that, almost child-like, honesty. I need my life to be simple.

cancer of the rib cage, cancer of the sinuses.

a spring loaded pulley

I have been a volunteer for one week now. The swearing-in ceremony went very well. I gave the speech and the vice-ambassador was there to here it. I felt very proud of myself because he wished me luck and complimented me on the speech. Maybe it was part of the diplomatic job description, but I think he really meant it.

I am not at my site at the moment-- I am in Kampala, and I have been since Tuesday, because I got sick. It was really rather frustrating to get sick when everything at site was so new. Forunately I feel much better now. I am going to return to Kyenjojo tomorrow.

Settling in to the house has not been easy. Perhaps the most logistically complicated matter was securing propane gas for my stove. There is a shortage of gas throughout the country. Fortunately, an extremely kind taxi driver who works in the area investigated gas stations where there was propone still in stock. He came back to me with a price estimate and we went to the gas station and collected it. He even drove me back to my house and helped me manouver the tank inside.

I am sensing that I will have enough work to keep me busy, though I am not without my apprehensions. The organization I am with works with orphans and vulnerable children. I am the only woman on staff. That is hard. The good thing is, I have the opportunity to make friends with women in the community. Plus, there is a girl who has been a Peace Corps Volunteer for about a year who lives just down the road from me at a Catholic parish. I know Iapos;ll be calling on her for support.

Thankfully the first week at site is over. The first week is always chaos.
a spring loaded pulley, a spring jump start, a spring day korean drama, a spring day.

external dvd player mac

Hereapos;s whatapos;s confusing me. And I know itapos;ll be ignored/dismissed by his supporters. Thatapos;s cool. Itapos;s just a personal confusion.

Tax -cuts- for 95 of Americans. Okay. "Not a dime" of tax INCREASE for anyone making less than $250,000. Okay. Close to 800 billion dollars in fresh national programs. Okay. Government-run healthcare, which cost the UK more in one year than the US spent on all four of its armed forces branches COMBINED. (Have both a non-biased website of financial statistics and a resident to back this up, if anyone doesnapos;t believe me).

Hereapos;s the confusion - if you look at these numbers and are able to actually believe that your taxes wonapos;t be raised under Obamaapos;s presidency, youapos;re out of your FUCKING mind. If you look at these numbers and think, "Oh, well, those evil, over-privileged 5-of-the-country RICH people will be the ones paying for all that," and are actually okay with this large of a burden falling on them just because they got lucky in life and you didnapos;t. . . Well, youapos;re kinda sick.

Now, heapos;s mentioned one or two ways of getting this money, like cutting military spending and tax breaks for oil companies. Cause, you know. No politician has EVER claimed to want to take on big oil before. Never. Nope. No way, no how. Yet when Obama says it, everyone buys it. Flabbergast.

I appropriately made the US Senate Bean Soup tonight. The first sip was rancid, which I suspect was because I had just eaten a red hot. Iapos;m now going back down for cup to. It is TASTY.
external dvd player mac, external dvd player pc, external dvd player usb, external dvd players.

accessory component conveyor

A while ago i saw a survey on someoneapos;s journal where they claimed reagan was the worst president ever. Not sure why they said that, other than the gravity of this personapos;s lack of original thought is so great that it sucks all other opinions and taste into it. I mean, come on, reagan? if youapos;re going to knee-jerkingly ate on a republican you might as well just hate on bush, or hereapos;s an idea, fucking RICHARD M NIXON.

I was thinking about this because the election is almost here and weapos;re sure to hear plenty about how bush was the worst EVAR because people have no sense of history. Here is a sampling of some incredibly douchey things that other, some allegedly well loved, presidents have done:

1. Woodrow wilson claimed neutrality at the onset of the great war, but actually backed the british blockade that starved germans and provoked them into torpedoing any non german ship they saw. Once the US was at war, he made it illegal to speak negatively against the government or the war. He also said "No doubt a lot of nonsense has been talked about the inalienable rights of the individual, and a great deal that was mere sentiment and pleasing speculation has been put forward as fundamental principle" which is too gay to fathom. He also believed in eugenics and didnapos;t like immigrants and black people.

2. FDR authorized executive order 9066 which allowed the internment of 110,000 japanese, some AMERICAN CITIZENS. You know about this, it was totally awesome. Germans and italians, some american citizens as well, were interned in lesser numbers. I didnapos;t know about that part, FDR WAS THE BEST at least he didnapos;t gas them, right? some folks hate on him for expanding the government, but as a fan of keynes, I think that probably seemed like a good idea at the time. Goverment spending did end the depression, though it was more the spending on war toys that did the trick than the wpa. Apparently he did some bullshit during the war, like claiming he had some nazi plans to turn latin america into a nazi state and how after the nazis conquered the us they would abolish christianity. The nazis were pretty shitty without making shit up, wtf, fdr?

3. My hometown hero, harry truman, dropped some nukes on some japs. Also went to war with korea, setting that unconstitutional war without declaration precedent that subsequent prezzies have enjoyed so much. Growing up where I did, I saw much truman love so it bewilders me to see so many hits come up for "truman worst president" with articles about how bush has replaced him as the most reviled, I mean seriously WHAT ABOUT NIXON, PEOPLE.

4. Jfk got THIS CLOSE to ending the entire world with a nuclear war. I was reading about the cuban missle crisis recently and got so freaked out about it I had to go play video games for a while to calm down. Apparently he didnapos;t know that the russians had installed some short range missiles out of fear of invasion since he was talking such shit about going in there to take out the LONG range ones. If they had went in, the russians would have used the short rangers, then we would have had to shoot back, blah blah blah THE DAY AFTER IS NOW A REALITY.

5. Lyndon johnson apparently decided to send american combat troops to the vietnam war so as not to appear soft on communism. Thatapos;s cool, my dadapos;s best friend stepped on one of our landmines and died at age 19 so johnson could continue to appear as a rockin cowboy that picked his dog up by the ears.

6. Hoover just got into office when the stock market crashed. Lots of people blamed him for the depression. If it was his fault, the guy was a total asshole.

7. A president who did nothing and ended up fucking shit up real good: buchanan. Didnapos;t bother to step in when the south was bitching about not having enough grits or whatever that shit was, hello civil war.

8. Nixon

MY POINT IS: I am of the opinion that other than george washington (six foot eight fucking killing for fun, and yeah he was an asshole too but heapos;s the first and therefore COOL), john quincy adams (I donapos;t know why, maybe because of AMISTAD, but I fucking love me some jqa) and some of the few harmless forgettable dudes like millard filmore, ALL AMERICAN PRESIDENTS have been major assraping douchebags. You pretty much have to be to run for office and win, and I donapos;t see it getting better in the future. If it does get better, I think that is when you should really freak the fuck out. Remember, the antichrist is supposed to be beloved (NATHAN PETRELLI) before he starts bringing about the apocalypse.
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